Return of Monkey

Friday, December 23, 2005

Mankeys Back!!!

After recent sightings of Monkey, the little guy has made a return to Bathurst St. But he's not that little now, in fact he appears to have grown considerably. Mankey is now walking, and he has grown some arms too. The nose ring is gone (he's moved on from his wild days), so Monkey is back - bigger and better (be it a little shy still).

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Monkey Sighting!

Yes it's true!! Mankey has been sighted on the outskirts of town. Is it possible Mankey is going to come out of hiding for the first time in months? The following photo was captured by a passing tourist.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Plot Thickens

Where is the monkey??? After receiving a suspicious note from what appears to be an overseas location (possibly France / Belgium), the person know as the 'Monkey Napper' has not kept their pledge of contacting the victims - Bec & Kim. A recent comment from Kim was:

"Look buddy, its time to come out of the closet and return Mankey to he's rightful owners"

The police have not been contacted at this stage (due to threat of monkey quarterisation), and Bec will be using her own CSI knowledge to track down and interrogate / torture the 'napper' for information on Mankey's whereabouts. Maybe the Monkey will return in time for the Christmas lunch next Friday at the Derwent Sailing Club (I'm talking to you Monkey napper).

Monday, October 31, 2005

What the Hell!

No Monkey? Well try this handsome rabbit on for size (slow loading).

With any luck the monkey will be returned soon, although Myself & Bexta are quite concerned about the recent ransom note received. Fortunately Mankey appears to be alive and in one piece, and a private investigator has been brought in to crack the case.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Mankey Madness

Yes, the monkey is back! Here are some more pics of Mankey as he swings his way through hobart. Please note that Mankey has not been seen for about 2 weeks, and is currently listed on the missing monkeys list. Lets pray for the safe return of little Mankey...

Mankey loves a beer & warming Jimbo's chair

The Flight Centre guy poses with the famous monkey
(no I don't mean the pink flamingo!)

A day at the park

Mankey dabbles in a quick game of chess

The usual tourist shots & getting close to nature

Ministerial monkey & Mankey proving to be a handful...


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Animated Monkey

Hmm this is making me dizzy...
(may be slow to load)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Mankey's recent travels